Prior to reading Stalking Jack the Ripper, I don't believe that I had read anything similar to it before. If I did then I apparently didn't care much for it. Kerri Maniscalco brings so much heart and adventure to these books that it's a difficult to put them down.
Audrey Rose Wadsworth is a 17 year old girl born into a respected family during the Victorian era. Because of this, her expected purpose is to sit around the gossip circle and embroider her life away. But what a boring story that would be if she followed what her father and society told her. Instead, Audrey Rose follows in the footsteps of her Uncle. Secretly, she studies under him as he teaches her the ways of forensic science. Here, she meets the annoying yet wonderful, Mr. Thomas Cresswell. Thomas is very intelligent and often portrayed as being cold and calculating. It's funny, but Thomas is actually my favorite character in the series. His wit and charm cuts through Audrey's, at times, harsh attitude. The two are a fantastic duo.
Stalking Jack the Ripper can be a difficult read for those with a sensitivity to the morbid or gruesome, as it involves a serial murder mystery similar to the actual Jack the Ripper slayings. Included within the book are historical images that look eerie (but nothing horrible). Since this is a spoiler-free review, I won't say exactly what happens but I will say that the conclusion to the story was unpredictable for me. Kerri Maniscalco keeps you guessing as to who Jack could be and it's such a surprise when they are unveiled. All in all, the character of Audrey Rose and her ability to never give up her dreams makes the story empowering and I'd highly recommend the series. I mean, it is my favorite after all...
★★★★★ 5/5.
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